Tel. 0331 201 683




The cogwheel presses of Officine Meccaniche Giani Davide are suitable for riveting, crimping, shearing, printing, crimping and for small assembly.

On specific customer requests, a horizontal rack press for cushions on rollers was also created.

Maggiori informazioni sulla pressetta a cremagliera orizzontale montaggio cuscinetti»


Dati tecnici PGMR


Dati tecnici presse manuali a ginocchiera a testa regolabile
PGMR 100 PGMR 300
Forza kN 5.0 5.0
Corsa di lavoro mm 40 40
Collo di cigno mm 100 300
Luce mm 45-207 45-207
Dimensione tavola mm 130 x 150 150 x 200
Cave a T DIN650 mm 10 10
Codolo mm 10H7 x 25 10H7 x 25
Mandrino ø mm 25-32 25-32
Ingombro base mm 270×150 150×530
Peso kg 12 48


Datasheet PGMR



View the technical sheet of the PGMR100.

View the technical sheet of the PGMR300.


Some photos of cogwheel presses



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